26.12.2009, 15:16
Ganau, hier ein Auszug aus dem 06 USA Manual:
Gasoline Octane
Use premium unleaded gasoline with a posted octane of
91 or higher for best performance. You may also use
middle grade or regular unleaded gasoline rated at 87
octane or higher, but your vehicle’s acceleration may be
slightly reduced. If the octane is less than 87, you may
get a heavy knocking noise when you drive. If this occurs,
use a gasoline rated at 87 octane or higher as soon as
possible. Otherwise, you might damage your engine.
Gasoline Octane
Use premium unleaded gasoline with a posted octane of
91 or higher for best performance. You may also use
middle grade or regular unleaded gasoline rated at 87
octane or higher, but your vehicle’s acceleration may be
slightly reduced. If the octane is less than 87, you may
get a heavy knocking noise when you drive. If this occurs,
use a gasoline rated at 87 octane or higher as soon as
possible. Otherwise, you might damage your engine.
Gruss, Ralf