Beiträge: 9
Themen: 2
Registriert seit: 04/2005
Ort: Italy
Baureihe: c3
Baujahr,Farbe: 1975
27.09.2005, 12:23
I'm from Italy, I'm close to trade my 1975 Custom Vette for a 1969 stock.
the '69 comes from Germany, has Minnesota Title and a German customs paperwork.
I would like to know if with this documents I could get TUV then register the Vette in Germany.
Do you think the customs duty are already paid?
thanks in advance
best regards from Italy
Angehängte Dateien
Beiträge: 26.910
Themen: 548
Registriert seit: 03/2003
Ort: .
Baureihe: Keine einzige.
Baujahr,Farbe: Wie peinlich!
This KBA-Letter states the car is not registered as stolen in Germany - nothing else.
It says nothing about payed duties and approoved TÜV-statements.
Beiträge: 9
Themen: 2
Registriert seit: 04/2005
Ort: Italy
Baureihe: c3
Baujahr,Farbe: 1975
this is a good starting point :-) the car is not stolen.
but when I go to the TUV Garage to have the car inspected, I pay for TUV, then a German friend register the car on his name: do you think DMV will ask customs bill?
Beiträge: 65
Themen: 2
Registriert seit: 04/2002
Ort: Wuppertal
Baureihe: z.zt.keine Vette
Baujahr,Farbe: keine
Baureihe (2): silber, Bj.2000
Baujahr,Farbe (2): CLK 55
FTJ is wrong.
Rest assured.
Custom is paid.
You will need the paper to register the car in Germany.
Beiträge: 376
Themen: 23
Registriert seit: 07/2004
Ort: Berlin
Baureihe: C5 Supercharged
Baujahr,Farbe: 1997, silber
Kennzeichen: B-TW 797
Baureihe (2): 1974, gelb
Baujahr,Farbe (2): C3
Kennzeichen (2): DH-I 4 H
Hi Attila,
for registering the car in Germany you will need the paper in the picture (Steuerliche Unbedenklichkeit), but additional you will need the original title, the contract, paperwork from Flensburg (central register info) only valid 4 weeks after requesting the paper,
then the famous §21 STVZO Gutachten from TÜV and the AU and of course you should live in Germany
and sometimes you´ll need som exeption paperwork . but this is a large field depending on where you live
If you need more info drop me a line.
[email protected]
I could send you some examples!
Best regards,
Beiträge: 9
Themen: 2
Registriert seit: 04/2005
Ort: Italy
Baureihe: c3
Baujahr,Farbe: 1975
so with that paper, title and after TUV inspection it's all right to register the car or should i look for a customs duties paid bill?
thanks again
Beiträge: 65
Themen: 2
Registriert seit: 04/2002
Ort: Wuppertal
Baureihe: z.zt.keine Vette
Baujahr,Farbe: keine
Baureihe (2): silber, Bj.2000
Baujahr,Farbe (2): CLK 55
The other "Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung" you are going to need is from The "Kraftfahrtbundesamt", where is assured that the car is not STOLEN.
Beiträge: 26.910
Themen: 548
Registriert seit: 03/2003
Ort: .
Baureihe: Keine einzige.
Baujahr,Farbe: Wie peinlich!
Zitat: Original von Stephan
FTJ is wrong.
Rest assured.
Custom is paid.
You will need the paper to register the car in Germany.
Stephan is right! I mistook the paper for the KBA Letter.
Did you know you can zoom in the file?
me not until now.
Beiträge: 9
Themen: 2
Registriert seit: 04/2005
Ort: Italy
Baureihe: c3
Baujahr,Farbe: 1975
Yes, i Heard of that.
before the Tuv inspection i have to ask for that paper to an office in Berlin (my buddy has already done that for a pickup).
the important poin is that customs are already paid! I wouldn't like to have to pay them since the seller told me he did!
I think I will call the man from which the seller bought the Vette.
thanks, thanks thanks! :-)