21.05.2008, 11:45
Zitat:Original von Günther-C3
Wieso SB unbekannter Art? Er schreibt "Matching Numerbs engine", ich gege also davon aus, dass es der originale ist.
Oder täusche ich mich da???
Zumindest passt die Nummer vom Block auf dem Foto zur Fahrgestellnummer auf dem Foto, das könnte also passen.
Aber die Haube passt dann, wie Porter korrekt bemerkte, nicht. Das Auto wird somit auch an vielen anderen Stellen nicht mehr original sein, was aber erstmal egal ist, wenn es Dir nicht wichtig ist.
Zu der Power: Normalerweise 300 PS, amerikanische SAE. Ab 1972 wurden die gleichen Motoren mit 200 PS geführt, bei weiterhin gleichen Fahrleistungen!!!:
"""All manufacturers started quoting engine outputs in the new SAE "net" measure that year, figures that were always lower than the "gross" numbers issued previously. Net horsepower reflected power losses caused by mandatory equipment such as the water pump, alternator, power-steering pump, mufflers, and air cleaner, and were thus more realistic. (GM had begun listing both net and gross figures in 1971, possibly to dampen the blow of suddenly lower power figures that would appear for '72.) The result was that advertised engine outputs were drastically reduced, partly due to steadily decreasing compression ratios but mostly due to the new net ratings.n 1971 and previous years, the horsepower rating was a gross figure calculated before adding any equipment (alternator, pumps, fans, etc.). But across the industry (not just GM), the ratings were calculated on a net figure. Many people incorrectly attributed the decrease to pollution equipment and the use of unleaded gasoline."""
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