an alle 82er C3 Besitzer
Hallo alle zusammen, hier ein Thread/Beitrag von einem Kollegen aus Houston im Crossfireforum zu den Modifikationen einer 1982/84. Hier kann man gut den Fortschritt erkennen:

Now, back to your original question;

You can port your intake, or I can do it for you (for a small fee.) I'm in the process of porting one for a forum member already, it takes me a few days to do it (since I've done so many.) I have spare intakes here, so you don't have to search for one to buy, port, then swap in. E-mail me if you're interested.

The original manifold likes more duration on intake, i.e. a single pattern cam. Mine, for instance, is a 216/216 @.050" cam. The aftermarket intakes (X-Ram, Offenahauser, SY-1) like a dual pattern cam like 210/216 @.050" for example.

300 horsepower is easily obtainable with the CrossFire. A set of L98 heads like I've got, along with a ported intake, a cam similar (or identical) to mine, headers, 2" TB's, VAFPR, and free-flowing exhaust will get you there (and probably exceed it) for a reasonable cost.

Gut your cat and get new mufflers (I'm eventually going with some Ultra-Flows.) The Dynomax Cerama-cote headers are $200; you can't beat that deal at all. The 2" TB's can be had from Dan (Lionsden) on here for around $125 or so. New injectors are not necessary, the VAFPR (vacuum assisted fuel pressure regulator) compensates and gives you more fuel at higher loads where you need it, for just shy of $50. The L98 heads can be had off of later model Corvettes for around $500 or so. They'll require either modification (welding,) an adapter plate, or new valve covers. I found my adapter plates on Ebay for $70. You can get them new from Summit for $100, and use your original valve covers like I am. (Take a look in the "I needed inspriation" thread.) Minimum of roller-tip rockers are suggested, at $100 a set from Summit, they're not a bad deal at all. You'll need new pushrods with the L98 heads though, as they have guideplates. If you get a higher ratio, you might need longer ones. I just ordered mine from Summit for $30. Summit also carries a full gasket and re-ring kit, which I think I paid $150 or so for. Comes with main & rod bearings (no cam bearings,) rings, and all new gaskets - including the ones for the CrossFire lid.

Don't sweat the ECM issues just yet. We're working on simplifying a lot of those issues so they can be understood easier. It will take some time, but we'll eventually have it to where you can tune on the fly. Right now our big hurdle was getting the upgrade ECM in without having to cut a zillion wires. Bill has changed that so now we just "plug and play" with the upgrade ECM. Still, you have to know how to program them in order to take full advantage of them.

Von da habe ich einige sehr interessante Ideen übernehmen können. Friedel

18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
an alle 82er C3 Besitzer - von Frankie76 - 05.12.2002, 21:15
RE: an alle 82er C3 Besitzer - von alex - 10.12.2002, 18:33
[Kein Betreff] - von MKWeyhe2 - 10.12.2002, 19:47
RE: an alle 82er C3 Besitzer - von Frankie76 - 10.12.2002, 21:44
Crossfire-Tuning - von fsahm - 13.12.2002, 14:36
Crossfire-Update - von fsahm - 13.12.2002, 17:44
Benzinverbrauch - von fsahm - 14.12.2002, 21:25
[Kein Betreff] - von 454Big - 07.02.2003, 00:14
[Kein Betreff] - von fsahm - 07.02.2003, 07:01
[Kein Betreff] - von fsahm - 08.02.2003, 07:37
82er Throttle-Bodies - von fsahm - 21.02.2003, 10:18
82er Throttle-Bodies - von fsahm - 21.02.2003, 10:19
82er Throttle-Bodies - von fsahm - 21.02.2003, 10:20
X-RAM - von fsahm - 21.02.2003, 10:42
[Kein Betreff] - von Rene H-over - 21.02.2003, 11:54
82er und 84er Crossfire! - von fsahm - 21.02.2003, 11:59

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