US lichttechnisches-gutachten stvzo 21
TÜV Süd usually is not the best place to go to when it comes to lichttechnische Gutachten. You may want to try TÜV Nord, GTÜ or one of the many service providers you’ll find online. Alternatively, try one of the workshops that specialize in converting US vehicles to German standards, they are not that expensive. After all, we are looking at a €100,000 car, you will not get poor when spending €2000 on the service to get proper conversion.

May I add, with all respect, that it always helps to speak the language of the country you live in or request service from.
Gruß, Alex

Forced Induction Owner´s Club: 602 PS, 688 nm

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[Bild: 42645268ql.jpg]

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RE: US lichttechnisches-gutachten stvzo 21 - von colonel - 08.09.2021, 14:26

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  Splitter/Lippe und Schweller mit Gutachten oder ABE > Stingray qphalanx 2 1.036 28.05.2024, 20:00
Letzter Beitrag: R_i_c_o

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