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Bremsen-Update für C3 - Druckversion

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Bremsen-Update für C3 - Tripower - 12.02.2003

Hallo Sharkies,

über die C3-Registry habe ich diese interessante Mail bekommen. Es geht dabei um verbesserte Bremskolben mit O-Ringen, die eine deutliche Verbesserung der Haltbarkeit und Sicherheit bieten sollen:

Zitat:I think all of us C3 owners know by now that C3 brakes are pretty horrible. Well, I got to find that out a couple of weeks ago when they failed on me. That's right... pedal went all the way to the floor! Fortunately, I was only around the corner from my house, and I did manage to come to a stop as the pedal hit the floor.

I spoke with one of C3VR's members, 4webers (George), about it and he immediately knew what I should do. He told me about a set of "O-Ring Caliper Pistons" he had put in his C3 and how the difference was like night and day. He said I should absolutely buy these and install them. Well, I'm taking his advice and I ordered a set yesterday. The manufacturing company is called Zero Tolerance Industries (or ZTI).

Here are some details about the pistons according to their website: Eliminates Air Pumping, Stops Leaking Brakes When Sitting, Eliminates Brake Squeaking, Superior Technical Design Reduces Pad Wear, Maximizes Braking Potential 25%-30%, Manufactured From 606IT6 Aluminum Billet, Aircraft O-Ring Technology, May Be Installed In Original or Stainless, Brake Calipers, No Special Tools or Machining Required for Installation, Made in U.S.A., Years of Successful Testing.

I spoke with the owner of the company, Mike when I placed the order and he definitely knows his stuff! It is recommended that you don't wait for your brakes to tell you they have a problem, like mine did. You should be proactive about it and buy these pistons now! I'm lucky I was so close to home, and didn't run into a tree!

Mike said he should be sending me out the set of pistons this week, so hopefully I'll get to install them within the next couple of weeks. I will keep you updated on the progress through posts on the C3VR Forums.

In the meantime, I recommend you check out their website, read-up on them and perhaps buy yourself a set. They are only $275 and that includes shipping and handling!

Click here to go to ZTI's website now. The site isn't 100% complete yet, and you have to place your order by phone, but the info on the pistons is there. If you do speak to Mike and/or place an order, please be sure to tell him that Adam from C3 Vette Registry sent you!

Here's a photo of the pistons from the website:

[Bild: O-ring-pistons.jpg]


- Porter - 12.02.2003

275 $+ ?? Für die kleinen Drehteile ? Ich hab´da noch ´ne Drehbank im Atelier .......
Habe doch gerade neue Zangen vorn und HBZ, but thanks anyway, Tripower

O-RING-KOLBEN - fsahm - 12.02.2003

Hallo, bei VetteBrakes, Florida, habe ich die gleichen Teile $ 74,85 bezahlt. Die Dichtungen P/N 11308 für $ 34.95 und Kolben P/N 11225 und 11226 für je $ 19.95. Die tun genau so gut ihren Dienst in den Festsätteln. Friedel
Im VetteBrake Katalog auf Seite 50.

RE: O-RING-KOLBEN - Wesch - 12.02.2003


Hab ich mir auch gedacht, als ich die VB&P O-ring Kits bestellt habe.
Geruechte behaupten, dass die Zero Tolerance Kolben mit weniger Spiel in den Saettel laufen. Ich hab die VB&P O-ring Kolben gemessen und die sind genauso dick ( Durchmesser ), wie die originalen Lippendichtungskolben. Die waren gut genug fuer lange Zeit, also sollten die O-Ring Kolben es auch sein.
Mal sehn, wie die sich verhalten. VB&P hat ja eigentlich einen sehr guten Ruf. Yeeah!
Ich warte auf gutes Wetter, wird aber immer kaelter. Heulen
MfG Gunther