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motoridentifizierung - Druckversion

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motoridentifizierung - egon - 20.10.2004

WEr weiß Näheres über Crate motoren?
Auf dem MotorblockPad vorne rechts findet sich
CE 463347
Die Block Nr. ist 3999289 (oder -239). Auf der Spinne
hinten re iist rudimentär erkennbar RIN O(vielleicht Marine?)
Handelt es sich um einen 454 Crate Motor für Boote? 4 Bolt oder
2 Bolt? im voraus Danke Egon

Ergänzung Motoridentifizierug - egon - 20.10.2004

Hilfreich ist das mögliche Casting Date : A 13 74
Der Motor ist in einer 1972 Corvette eingebaut. Der Vergaser ist
Quadrajet 4 Nr. 7055037 (oder 17055037), lt Fahrgestellnr.
müßte es sich um einen Bigblock handeln (1 Z 37 W 252533422)

***EDIT by Admin: Thema zusammengefügt. 454Big***

- Wesch - 20.10.2004


Zitat:Auf dem MotorblockPad vorne rechts findet sich
CE 463347

CE bedeutet normalerweise, dass es sich um einen Austauschmotor auf Garantie handelt.

Leider weiss ich nicht, ob Crate Motoren auch gestempelt sind. Würde eigentlich meinen dass die Pad leer sein sollte. Frage

MfG. Günther

- Petra - 21.10.2004

Was ich gefunden habe:

3999289 1970-1979 454 2-Bolt 270 HP

Casting Date : A 13 74 = 13 januari 1974

There is another type of stamping found on some blocks. This is the "CE" code. You might see something like this "CE123456" on the front pad of the block deck on the passenger side. The "CE" which alternatively has been known to stand for "Chevrolet Engine" or "Crate Engine" was used on blocks that were warranty replacement motors. The "CE" prefix was also used on "over the counter" blocks and engines. If a customer had problems with his original motor, while it was under warranty, it was replaced with an engine that was stamped "CE" with a number of numeral digits following it which serialized that particular engine. Likewise if a purchaser bought a new motor from the Chevrolet Parts counter, the front pad on the pasenger side of the block may have been stamped with a "CE" code.

A number of crate motors made by GM in Mexico, may have an "M" or "ML" prefix stamped into the front pad of the block followed by a series of numbers which serialize that particular crate replacement motor. You may also see a raised casting on the block or heads of "Hecho en Mexico" which means "Made in Mexico". Many of the new GM crate motors are being made in Mexico. Later model crate engines, sold over the counter by Chevrolet or GM Performance Parts, may have different prefix code identifiers stamped in to the front pad on the block, such as "ZZ3" or three letter codes such as "XXA".

The motors built in the McKinnon factory in Canada will have a "K" indicating the engine assembly plant.

There are two other things to keep in mind. If the block has been previously "decked" by a machine shop, the engine assembly date and suffix codes, normally found on the passenger side front deck of the block, may have been removed by the machining process. They will be gone. Second, some blocks have been "restamped" in order to "create" a "numbers matching" vehicle. With the increase in value of many "numbers matching" collector cars, some folks have "restamped" the blocks to deceive buyers. BE CAREFUL! Check out some of the books listed below. They can help you determine if the vehicle is a "numbers matching" original car or not.
